
Election Week

This was a pretty exciting week for politics, with a new female Governor
elected to be Alaska's leader. I worked at Election Headquarters where
the precinct captains brought in all the gear, ballots, etc. It was cold, too,
with single digits on most days -- above zero, that is. In Fairbanks it was
double digits BELOW zero, and I have to be there for two days next week.
Here's a photo off my balcony. The water dripping down the gutter froze
solid, and the bird suet hangs just next to it. So there's a little visitor
enjoying the food despite the ice. I think it's a chickadee, but I'm not sure.
(the bird is on the bottom right of the suet cage).

This is a little alpenglow, the pink on the mountains as the sun sets -
around 4 p.m. We're losing 8 minutes of daylight every day now.
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Last weekend's hike in Girdwood. It was single digits, but we yacked
alot and hardly noticed how cold it was. That was a fun weekend with
lots of girlfriends. It also included selling a couple things on e-bay.

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