
Cordova June 09

How fortunate to travel to drop-dead gorgeous places for work! This was a short trip to Cordova to work for the Native Village of Eyak on Medicare and related issues. Here's the glaciers on the way there. It looks like a road, but is purely natural.

The copper river valley delta where famous copper river red salmon comes from.

The bay - lots of fishing for reds going on in late June.

the town of Cordova - around 2,000 folks live there - less in the winter, of course.
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these are some of the Eyak elders that I got to work with.


nancy lake camping - summer solstice weekend

a bunch of us went on a paddling, portaging and camping weekend. It was very fun - included lots of camping/cooking/eating and vegging around a campfire punctuated with a little paddling and hauling enough gear for a lifetime in the woods. a few photos tell it all.